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Three Horses

Does your horse suffer from any of the following?

  • Arthritis

  • Degenerative joint disease

  • Fractures

  • Wrong canter lead or disunited canter

  • Muscle wastage

  • Kissing spines

  • Decrease in performance

  • Behavioural changes

  • Tendon or ligament injury

  • Difficulty bending 

  • Difficulty on one rein

Regardless of your horses age, workload or discipline all horses can benefit from physiotherapy to enhance performance, reduce the risk of injury and promote overall health.

Here at Anna Morley Veterinary Physiotherapy we believe in a holistic approach, that is why we work closely with other paraprofessionals to create a multidisciplinary team. This includes the farrier, saddler, dentist, vet, trainer and nutritionist to name a few.

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